Paramount turns Paw Patrol into a family affair

The Opportunity

Paramount wanted to drive awareness and excitement for Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie building off the success of 2021’s Paw Patrol: The Movie that became a surprise theatrical hit during the pandemic

The Problem

Paw Patrol was being perceived as an IP that was solely made for the 3-6 age demographic. Kids would very quickly age out of their Paw Patrol phase and deem it to be “uncool”, despite being rabid fans just years prior.

The Insight

The biggest influence on a kid’s life are their older siblings and parents (in that order).

Get them on board and we can turn the Paw Patrol movie into a family affair.

The Solution

Instead of doing the traditional toy unboxings, sing-alongs, and other kid-centric content, we partnered with comedy and VFX creators to create a series of Paw Patrol videos on IG, TikTok, and YT Shorts that were targeted towards the parents and older siblings (A13-18) of the family.

The Results

15 Million Views

42% View through rate

Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie became the #1 film in the US

